Font properties editor
Microsoft's free Font properties extension lets Windows users learn more about their fonts. The extension provides access to text entries stored within TrueType and OpenType TM fonts.
The editor gives type designers access to the following entries.
Designer - the type designer or designers.
Designer link - the designer's Web site or e-mail address.
Type foundry - the company responsible for marketing the font.
Foundry link - the company's Web site or e-mail address.
Description - background information on the font, the people who created it, advice on its use, and information about upgrades and technical support.
License - the license field should contain in plain language the restrictions placed on the use of this font. Some issues you may consider include.
Type of font. If the font is 'shareware' or 'freeware' you may wish to define what you mean by these terms.
Redistribution. Even if you are giving the font away for free, can the people you give it to redistribute it?
Service bureaus. Are users of the font allowed to loan it to service bureaus?
Embedding. Ensure that any restrictions on embedding are consistent with the embedding permissions encoded within the font.
Conversion & manipulation. Do you allow users to convert the font to a different format, or manipulate the outlines? What restrictions do you place on the redistribution of such 'derivative works'?
License link - a link to a licensing FAQ or an e-mail contact for licensing questions.
Vendor ID - a unique four letter code that identifies the font foundry.
Embedding - embedding permissions may be made more restrictive.